My Inspiration

by Desley Bailey

2020 has not started well for us or our garden. Intense heat making work in the garden exhausting, copious amounts of rain destroying 90% of our crops but fuelling the weeds, an explosion of mildew from crops being wet for so long, and most recently the loss of Rod's father. I have to confess, I have asked the questions, "Why are we doing this? Is now, when everything is such a mess, a good time to quit and do something else?" Reasonable questions at such ...

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Let's talk Okra

by Desley Bailey

Originally from Africa and related to the Hibiscus, Okra is a versatile plant - you can eat the leaves, flowers, fruit and seeds. This summer is our first time growing it, and it is so resilient! All this rain has waterlogged and destroyed most of our crops, but the Okra is powering on!  My interest in cooking with Okra was piqued by market customers who purchase it with great excitement and enthusiam because of its mucilagenic&...

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by Desley Bailey

Basil is a smell of summer! And who can think of basil without thinking of tomatoes - Brandywine Tomatoes preferably. I think it is this natural pairing  that has led me to assume that basil is a native of Italy. Pesto, pizza, pasta... But basil is actually a native of India! And, just for the record, tomatoes are natives of South America! Who would have thought?! I love basil, and I have found that I have someting in common with it - we both like it hot.&nb...

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Making the best of it

by Desley Bailey

We have decided to salvage what we can and head to the Real Food Markets tomorrow! We will have a limited amount of the following: Salad Mix, Cos Lettuce, Curly Kale, Basil, Tomatoes, Carrots, Zucchini, Okra, Eggplant, Capsicum

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Who knows what tomorrow brings

by Desley Bailey

Last week our email started out like this... "We were blessed with about 50mm of rain in the last day or so - may it rain long and hard on the heads of every Aussie farmer who needs it! And the rain kept coming and kept coming until we had much more than enough in a very short period of time. For many farmers, this was just what they needed. For us, although it is great to see our dam almost full (see dam before and after photo above), it has taken a very heavy toll on&...

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Can you smell the Rain?

by Rod Bailey

We were blessed with about 50mm of rain in the last day or so - may it rain long and hard on the heads of every Aussie farmer who needs it! The smell of the coming first rains after a period of drought is something most Australians would be familiar with. To a parched farmer it smells better than his favourite tucker cooking or the wife's favourite perfume. It's earth perfume, and nothing beats it... But what is it? Back in the 60's, 2 CSIRO scientists ...

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A message from Ella...

by Desley Bailey

As Australians, we are fed a lot of American culture - books, movies, TV shows, food and celebrities surround us - and we drink it all up. My visit to the US (remember I am studying in Canada now) during Christmas holidays really woke me up to this: Did you ever see pictures or read about yellow school buses in story books growing up, and wonder if they were actually a thing? I sure did, and when I saw my first real live yellow school bus... it was exciting! I ate at one of ...

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Pop Up!

by Desley Bailey

Yes, our veggie email is reaching you a day late! That is because Kelli and I went on an adventure yesterday to Settlement City Shopping Center as a Pop Up Shop! If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram you may have already seen the video I put up of our display... I would describe our day as a 'good' day - pretty normal for a first day in a new location where people are not yet familiar with us or our produce. I think Kelli liked the aircon the bes...

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Goodbye 2019, and Sarah!

by Desley Bailey

When I was young one of my favouite things was a new school year. Not that I especially liked going to school, but I loved new beginnings. New books with clean pages to write on, new pencils that had never been sharpened!  2019 will soon be no more, and 2020 is upon us - a new beginning, like a new page to write on! Time to say goodbye to past mistakes, then to build on lessons learnt and past successes- a time to make plans, set goals, and LIVE! Wha...

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Road Side Relaxing

by Desley Bailey

This week, like all others, had it's ups and downs. I'm sure you can relate to that! What I really like is when a down becomes an up because of how  we look at it. Wednesday, on my way to the Bellingen Farmers and Producers Market I had a truck breakdown. Three belts, one for the aircon, one for the alternator and one for the radiator fan all broke and left me with no aircon (no problem - there is always the old fashion open windows), no functioning alternator (no problem - ...

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