Meet our team
The Farmer
The backbone - busy preparing beds, seeding, planting, irrigating, cultivating, harvesting, managing pests, building, etc, etc.
Happiest when there are no weeds to be seen...
Farmer's Daughter
Manages to pack Home Delivery orders and do some weed cultivating in between her Year 11 studies.
Happiest when the WiFi is working, and at knock off time...
The Farmers Wife
Sales, marketing, orders, accounts, harvesting, turning veggies into yummy food. AKA Superwoman, or The Boss.
Happiest when all her boxes are ticked...
Farmer's Daughter
Cheery, outgoing, gregarious, cheeky. Was once our customer's fave at the Real Food Market. Currently AWOL! Last seen boarding a flight to Canada...
Happiest when talking...
Right Hand Man
The Farmer's offsider in building, maintenance, irrigation, transplanting, harvesting, mowing etc, etc.
Happiest on his YZ85 or playing futsal...
Lil' Red
Public Relations
Miss Kelpie who has all the breeding and intelligence to be useful, but really isn't - except for the joy she brings us all!
Happiest when rounding up the Guinea Fowl or chasing Skippy's cousins...