Goodbye 2019, and Sarah!

When I was young one of my favouite things was a new school year. Not that I especially liked going to school, but I loved new beginnings. New books with clean pages to write on, new pencils that had never been sharpened!
2019 will soon be no more, and 2020 is upon us - a new beginning, like a new page to write on! Time to say goodbye to past mistakes, then to build on lessons learnt and past successes- a time to make plans, set goals, and LIVE!
What are you saying goodbye to in 2019, and planning for 2020?
We will be saying goodbye to Sarah. :( All of the kale you have been eating over the last 3 months has been picked by Sarah. She calls it 'her kale'. Some days she arrives at 5am to start picking - we don't start work til 7am! She is a champion, and we are going to miss her so much. "Thank you Sarah!!!" for all your work, but even more for your fun, laughter and teasing. It has been a fun 3 months. All the best for 2020 and your new adventures.