Tragedy on Reid's Road

Tragedy on Reid's Road
Tuesday evening last week I was involved in an accident on the way home from the Real Foods Market. I had helped Desley pack up at the market, then set off to drive the truck home while she did some shopping. You will remember it was a chilly wet day, and driving home in the dark on wet slippery roads was no fun.
I will spare you the details, but a young lady slipped on a corner and ran into the truck (and partially went under it), resulting in horrific damage to her car. Her life was saved by a miracle (and Volvo engineering), but she has suffered multiple spinal fractures and is in hospital after having surgery. We pray for her recovery. In just a moment, her life, and that of her family, was changed, never to be quite the same again.
Reid's Road is a windy road that has become notorious for serious road accidents - ours was the second in a week. But accidents - unfortunate incidents that happen unexpectedly and unintentionally and that typically result in damage or injury or death, can happen anytime and nearly any place. What a tenuous hold we have on existence!
Let's do what we can to keep ourselves, our families, and fellow travellers safe - starting with slowing down...
PS. 1000 'Thank You!'s to those thoughtful caring people who stopped to help (Ben & family, Maddie, the first aid youngsters and their mum, the Dr.), and to Telegraph Point RFS, Wauchope Police, Fire & Rescue, the Hazmat team, tow truck guys, etc, etc. Champions all! What a blessing to be part of a community where we step up to help one other when in need...