Raise Your Hopes & Lower Your Expectations!

This was one of my Mum's favourite sayings to me when I was a nagging kid always wanting something - and of course it was Mum's job to deliver! Mum would just calmly look at me (or not look at me if she was busy) and say "Raise your hopes & lower your expectations". I never fully understood it as a child, but the older (and wiser 😉) I get, the more I 'get it'.
Expectations, especially of other people, will sooner or later cause us frustration, inconvenience, anger, impatience, even sorrow - and the list could go on. I have especially seen this in marriages (or other partnerships like it). Unfulfilled expectations, I believe, are one of THE most common causes of arguements and hurts. So, let's all raise our hopes and lower our expectations of each other, and I think life will be happier for us all.
Now, why do I write about this...? If you read last weeks email, we told you that in future, we would be sending this email out on Thursday! Whoops! We didn't! Sorry! So to make up for our error, I thought I would share an old recipe that I dug out this week for avocado icecream/mousse. Sooooo yummy & sooooo nutritious (because that's what avocado is)!
PS. Sorry the pic is a bit blurry.
Avocado Icecream
1 cup dates (softened in hot water)
3 cups milk (I use a non dairy option)
4 heaped Tbsp carob or cacao powder (carob has no caffeine and is high in iron)
2 cups avocado flesh
¼ cup rapadura sugar or other sweetner (opt. for those who like it really sweet)
Blend all ingredients, and chill to use for mousse, or freeze to use as icecream. Even better when frozen in an icecream maker to stop the large ice crystals forming. This will freeze pretty hard, so take it out of the freezer an hour or so before serving as icecream.
Have a great weekend!
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