Kale Kale Kale AGAIN!

Kale kale kale - Again!
Last week I gave you a challenge to send me your favourite kale recipe. Thanks Nicole from Dolly's Run (Taylor's Arm) for a Kale & Quinoa Salad Recipe. And thanks Melanie & Michelle from Vege Out Cafe (Telegraph Point) for suggesting a Kale Panak Paneer - which I made this morning from curly kale and is pictured above.
Rachel also sent a few great suggestions: "When we were travelling Vietnam way back in 2013 we came across ‘morning glory', which is different to what the name suggests... It is sautéd spinach and garlic - a simple accompaniment to stir fries, bbq meat, or as a starter before a pasta dish. Our interpretation of this dish sees us use any greenery but we find Tuscan kale works a treat! When we are making a lasagne, we sub out the pasta sheets and instead use rice paper and kale to create the layers. We find it a lot easier on our digestion, better for us, and a tasty alternative! Thanks Rachel!
Since I only recieved suggestions from 3 people, all three of you can have the prize of kale and some kale chips. Come and see me at the markets or make contact some other way to get your prize.
This week at the Bello Market we are celebrating 'Kale Day'. We will be doing cooking demos and giving out Kale recipes etc. so come along if you are up that way and join in the fun of 'Kale Day'.
PS Just ate the Palak Paneer for lunch - it was YUM!