In the Dark

In the Dark
Last night was a turning point in the growing season - my mind turned towards spring and summer as I planted our first tomato seeds. Yes, it's many weeks til it warms up enough to be able to plant them outside, but if I leave seeding them any longer, my preparations for spring will be TOO LATE! And that means you won't get to take home those luscious Brandywine's to your adoring family! And that would be tragic!
Preparation for major life events are often made "in the dark" - i.e. we rarely know in advance when a tragedy, a difficult time, or some other life changing event is on its way. But most times we somehow make it through to the other side, and find life more or less still intact. I believe that how we live our day to day lives prepares us for these trying times. A life lived with purpose, a life of honesty, a life of thankfulness, a life lived without arrogance, deceit, resentment, or envy - powerfully builds our resiliance.
Or in other words, today's faithfulness is preparation for tomorrow's cross...